Page 11 - Chair Academy Conference
P. 11

Conference Keynote Speakers


Donna Dare was appointed vice chancellor for academic and student affairs in May
2009. Dare serves as the college’s chief academic and student services offcer and
is responsible for the overall planning, development, coordination, evaluation and
continuous improvement of the college’s academic and student services functions
and programs. She provides district-wide oversight of the college’s curriculum-
and student-related policies, processes, systems and records. She also oversees
articulation of courses and programs, assessment of student learning outcomes,
and institutional and instructional resources.

Sponsored by: Dare joined the college in June 2005 as the district’s director of career and
technical education. She served three years as dean of communications, education,
humanities and fne arts at Richland Community College. She also taught at
Richland, Southern Illinois University-Carbondale and Millikin University.

Dare earned her Ph.D. in education from the University of Illinois at Champaign-
Urbana. Her bachelor’s and master’s degrees in English are from SIU-Carbondale.

Donna Dare will be speaking, Thursday, March 27, 2014

MARK TAYLOR The Chair Academy’s 23rd Annual International Leadership Conference

Dr. Mark Taylor is recognized across the USA, and in Canada, as educator,
consultant and speaker who is on the forefront of transformations in educational
practice and workplace management. As an expert on the traits, developmental
issues and learning outcomes of today’s students, he is dedicated to helping colleges
and universities better understand and serve our students for learning, development,
persistence and successful integration into the “after college” world. His work with
organizations and companies focuses on helping people understand and work more
effectively with the generational groups, especially our young people from
“Generation NeXt”.
Sponsored by:
Building on over 30 years of experience in higher education, management and
the helping professions, Dr. Taylor’s has worked with over 500 organizations,
businesses and schools in 47 states, made presentations at state, regional, national,
and international events, and published in professional journals including, his recent
articles on “Teaching Generation NeXt”. He has consulted with business clients like
20th Century Fox Motion Pictures, Wal-Mart, FEMA and the U.S. Army.

Dr. Taylor holds graduate degrees from the University of Arkansas and academic
appointments at Arkansas State University and the University of Arkansas at Little
Rock Graduate School.

Mark Taylor will be speaking, Friday, March 28, 2014

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