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Voices of Leadership…

Reflection…It is important in every facet of our lives: personal relationships, professional achievements,

academic progress, emotional development, and countless other aspects of our being. At Leadership, we have

chosen to use this special anniversary edition as an opportunity for reflection as well as celebration. Who better
to help us reflect on our work than the board members who guide and refine each issue we present to our
readers? We asked each member of the Leadership Editorial Board to describe their experiences collaborating

with the board, what stands out as particularly significant about this publication, and why Leadership matters.

As their responses illustrate, Leadership is as much about the people and the relationships as it is about the
theory and the data – and that is a welcome reflection.

George Andrews, Northern Alberta Institute of Technology Lynda Wallace-Hulecki, Ed.D., JL Research and Systems
I consider it a real privilege to be Leadership provides a platform for
part of the Leadership editorial the sharing of scholarly research,
board. I have never worked with ideas, and insights that bridge
a more passionate group that are leadership theory and practice,
great leaders in their own circles and inspire innovation and
and so very humble, embracing change. Featured articles expose
of all perspectives, and sincerely readers to diverse perspectives
interested in being a resource on issues of relevance to higher
to the sector. Every interaction education leaders across the globe.
leaves me with refections on I have found the experience to be
my own practice of leadership. immensely rewarding in terms of
Leadership presents such a wide the opportunities to learn about
scope of perspective that there the editorial process, broaden
really is something for almost my worldview on leadership
everyone. I think most people from submitted articles, and
would agree that working as contribute to the profession
leaders in higher education comes through engagement on and with
with a responsibility for the the board.
future. In a complex and dynamic
environment we all need the best
possible tools in our kit - this is
part of my tool kit.

4 LEADERSHIP Vol. 21.2 Fall 2015

Client: The Chair Academy Job: CHAIRAcademy_Journal_21.2 FALL 2015 Final size: 8.5” x 11” Colors: CMYK Bleeds: Yes
Created by: Goldfsh Creative - Laura Dvir • 602.349.2220 •
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